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2015-01-12 January
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
January 12, 2015
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:15PM present were John Barrett, Ray Boyes, Roger Rapoza and Pam Haman.

Bills were reviewed and approved.
Minutes from the December 2014 were reviewed and proved.

Appointment:  Jennifer Pettit and Leslie Gabrilska from the Conservation Commission.  Jennifer and Leslie attended the meeting to discuss various gate options for Adams Dam.  They presented the department with possible gates and map of the area and where they would like to see the gate.  There is concerned about trash being dumped, oil cans/other pollutants and well as motorized traffic.  There would still be access to the river to allow for recreational use (swimming, fishing, and hiking)
The options for the gate varied both in style and price:  The stock gate was the least expense the barrier gate being the most expensive.  A gate with post on either side with a cable or chain connector could be the least expensive.  Roger will check to if there might be available post at the highway department.   The chain or cable would need to be purchased.  Attaching cables to trees was also mentioned.  Installation would be by the department.  
FY 16 Budget was discussed. :
        Reduce cost of Port a Potties, department will supply during the Band Concert season.  Events will be   responsible for their own.  Department would still provide one for Kids Kountry Playground.
        Bring Department labor up to speed.  Some workers have ability to run equipment and plow.  Rate         should reflect that.
        John Barrett made a motion to submit approved budget for fiscal year 2016 of $124500.66.  Ray   seconded all were in favor motion carried.

The Cemetery and Parks Department is quickly becoming the grounds maintenance for town buildings.  New Buildings will be on line in FY2016.  This will add additional work load for the department.  Budget will be submitted without requesting any additional funding for new buildings at this time. Department will revisit issue as buildings come on line.
Prices have been gotten for new flooring.  The current flooring was put in back when the building was refurbished by the department in 1998-1999.Commisioners would like more than one quote Roger will get others for the next meeting.
Roger has a found a conference table 14x8 for $300.00 Commissioners liked the idea of a conference table however size was a little large for the conference room.  Will continue to look around for a table.

The next meeting is scheduled for 2/09/15 at 7PM.  

Meeting was adjourned at 9:150PM


Pam Haman